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Behind the Design Podcast

In today's episode, I interview Linsey asking her all of the absolute must-knows that small businesses need to know when it comes to anything legal.

We cover:

  • Why you needed to implement a contract, like yesterday + what should be on there.

  • The first steps to take to protect your small business legally + avoid big conflict.

  • Whether or not to trademark your business.

  • The biggest mistakes small business owners are making with their legals + how to avoid them.

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Compliance Officer


Design Live with

Watch as Michelle Wintersteen from talks to Linsey all about the legal basics that creatives need to cover to keep their work LEGIT. Linsey discusses:


And all that other happy entrepreneurship stuff that it feels like no one teaches you in school and you’re left to figure out solo.

Watch now on IG.

Legally Legit

Let's get Legally Legit! Today we have Linsey Levine from Linsey Shae Consulting; she's passionate about educating female business owners and providing you with the tools to create a strong foundation to protect your businesses from legal trouble.

In this episode, they get into the nitty-gritty things that might happen if you don't get things properly legal.

They've talked about contracts, terms and conditions, trademarks, copyrights. They share valuable examples and real cases that have happened when everything could've been 10x easier and cheaper doing things right from the get-go. You want to listen to this and get your business and yourself protected.

Listen now

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Four Things All Small Businesses Need to Protect Themselves

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