Privacy Policy- Do I really need one??


Your website is up but what is all this talk about Privacy Policies, and do I really need them?! I get it, it’s confusing but I am going to break it down, so you understand exactly what you need to stay protected and avoid any legal fines...(that’s right I said FINES)!   


Did you know that if you collect any information on your website (including email addresses) it is a FEDERAL REQUIREMENT that you MUST have a Privacy Policy?  The minimum fine is $2,500 for not having one on your website. That seems like a large chunk of money for something that is easily fixable.  


So what is a Privacy Policy… it is a legal agreement that explains what kind of personal information you gather from website visitors, how you use that personal information and how you keep that information safe.  Examples of some personal information include; names, email addresses, shipping addresses, phone numbers and credit card numbers.  Privacy Policies even explain your use of third-party analytics and cookies.   

So besides it being the law, why else would you want to have a Privacy Policy?  In today’s day and age people care a lot about their personal information and how it is used online.  By creating a Privacy Policy you are making your website visitors and customers feel secure before they provide you with their information.  You are showing your users that you can be trusted, and you have a policy in place that handles their personal information.   Having this policy also shows that you are a legitimate company.  


So once you get a Privacy Policy where should I put it on my website?  You should create a standalone page that includes the policy and put  the link to the on the footer navigation of your website. 

To order your Privacy Policy, shop my Template Shop.   And for any additional information or questions please feel free to schedule an appointment or reach out to me at